Online campaign that empowers those who have experienced some form of sexual harrasment and violence to share their story with the aim of helping other victims realise that they are not alone.
Tool Self-Assessmet
- Reflect back on the objective of the tool you built: did you exceed it, or fall short? If so, why?
The aim of the tool was to gather stories shared during the campaign #ženeujavnomprostoru (#womeninpublicspaces), but the idea is to keep it online as a database continually updated by the users themselves when sharing their experience. An analysis of the gathered stories has been conducted and the tool will be available in the future. It does not have a final aim in terms of metrics.
- What are the tools’ metrics for success and what does metric say – how well did the tool do?
We are using Google Analytics and since the website has not been promoted due to our lack of resources, the results are only moderately good. However, we plan to promote it additionally and add content related to reporting violence and combatting violence against women.
- Were your assumptions that the tool you built would: increase participation/engagement or tackle an issue/raise awareness correct? Do you think you chose the right approach – and what would you do differently?
We believe that we have chosen the right approach and that this website raises awareness about the problem of violence against women, in public and in private spaces, in educational institutions and workplaces.
- What are you hearing from users? What do they enjoy in tool? What do they find challenging?
We haven’t received any negative comments. The users have just commented how easy it was to use the tool. We believe that the lack of negative comments results from the fact that each contribution is reviewed before posting. This protects the post itself and the women who could share harmful information in case of reporting violence they had experienced to the authorities (e. g. the names of perpetrators). This also reduces the possibility of sharing false testimonies and fabricated stories.
- Did your tool deliver what you were hoping for? Are they useful for your key user audience? Are they being adopted?
The tool is still online and continues to deliver results, such as de-stigmatisation and emphasising the fact that women who experience violence are not alone and that they are not to blame. It has still not reached regular level of use but, as has already been mentioned, this is because we lack the resources for disseminating it further.
- What worked well through the implementation process? What areas have room for improvement?
There is room on the web site for adding new information which could help users to exercise their right to protection. The stories were gathered manually during the campaign and were uploaded manually by volunteers, while some stories were later uploaded by the women themselves, the women who wanted to share their stories and were not a part of the initial campaign.
Tool ID
- GOAL:Raising awareness on sexual harassment in public space, through online campaign portal
- URL:
- Made by:Association for Human Rights and Civic Participation
- Country:Croatia
- YEARS ACTIVE:2020 – to date