NEXUS Resources
- NEXUS infographics research: Students as Active Citizens in the Digital Age
- NEXUS Civics 4.0 MOOC videos in UNED MOOC Youtube Channel and UNED Video Channel
- Resources in NEXUS Social media channels: Facebook and Instagram
NEXUS participation in international conferences and webinars
- Final NEXUS Webinar: Practical ideas for civic education in the digital age (link to recording). Online, 20 July 2022.
- Presentation at European Digital Education Hub webinar: The role of open education, service learning and digital tools in promoting social inclusion and active citizenship for refugees and migrants. Online, 19 July 2022.
- NEXUS Webinar: Community engaged second language learning in Higher Education – Service Learning (link to recording). Online, 15 June 2022.
- Presentation of the project in Webinar of Civic Education: GOOD školica: Građansko obrazovanje za digitalno doba (“GOOD SCHOOL: Building skills for the digital age”). Online (Croatia), 14 June 2022.
- Presentation at TISLID 22 International conference: Language learning through digital civic education and engagement: The NEXUS project. Online (Sspain), 27-28 May 2022.
- Webinar at EDEN NAP Webinar: Online Civic Engagement and Service Learning in Hybrid Realities: Implications for the Real-World and the Metaverse. Online, 2 February 2022.
- Presentation of the project at EPALE Community Conference 2021 – Pannel: Digital activism and democracy. Online, 13 September 2021.
- Presentation at 30th EDEN Annual Conference: Lessons from a pandemic for the future of education. Service Learning for Enhancing Student Civic Engagement. Spain (online), 21-24 June 2021 (link to presentation) and to the open publication of the article).
- Presentation at Final Conference of the DIMELI4AC Project: Digital and media literacy for active citizenship conference. Belgium (online), 21 May 2021.
- Webinar at EDEN Open Education Week 2021: Insights from an internationally co-developed MOOC on digital citizenship (link to recording). Online. 4 March 2021.
- Presentation of the project at Europaeum Scholars Programme – Presentation of EU DIgital Policy (online), 9 December 2020.
- Presentation of the project at European Public Sphere event: the future of democracy and participation in Europe (online), 5 November 2020.
- Synergy session at 29th EDEN Annual Conference. Human and Artificial Intelligence for the Society of the Future Inspiring Digital Education for the Next STE(A)M Student Generation. Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania (online), 22-24 June 2020.
- Presentation at ALT OER20: Open Education Conference – The Care in Openness: The NEXUS Project: PromotiNg thE neXus of migrants throUgh active citizenShip (link to recording) London, UK (online). 1-2 April 2020.
- Webinar at EDEN Open Education Week 2020: Open Education for Civic Engagement and Democracy, The NEXUS project (link to recording). Online. 4-6 March 2020.
Mutliplier Events and Learning, Teaching and Training Activity
- Multiplier event in Zagreb. 17 May 2022.
- Multiplier event in Slovenia. 27 May 2022.
- Multiplier event Brussels. 28 June 2022.
- Learning, teaching and training activity in Slovenia: Civic Education Training For The Digital Age. 26-28 April 2022.
NEXUS consortium meetings
- First transnational partner meeting in Madrid. (press note in Spanish). 24-25 November 2019
- Rome online substitution meeting. 12-13 March 2020.
- Malmo online substitution meeting. 22 September and 6 November 2020.
- Fourth transnational meeting in Slovenia 26-28 April 2022.
- Fifth transnational meeting in Zagreb. 17-18 May 2022.
- Sixth transnational meeting in Brussels. 27-28 June 2022.